August 22, 2023| Yuni Afifah | News , MBKM
Public Relations (19/8/2023) | PKKM (Independent Campus Competition Program) is a program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemdikbud) which aims to facilitate the initiation of higher education transformation so that it can contribute to increasing the nation’s competitiveness through cooperation related to the world. Business and Industry (DUDI) and Top World Universities .
The Bachelor of Laws study program, Faculty of Law, Airlangga University (FH UNAIR) is one of the study programs within UNAIR that has successfully received PKKM grant funds in 2023. FH UNAIR has received PKKM grant funds and is ready to implement the 2023 PKKM program. The PKKM theme launched by the FH UNAIR Bachelor of Laws study program is “Strengthening International Collaboration and DUDIKA Partner Collaboration in Supporting a Legal-Technopreneurship Oriented SMART University for Students and Lecturers”. It is hoped that this theme can accelerate and support FH UNAIR’s vision to make FH UNAIR graduates into jurists who are skilled, professional and ready to work by taking advantage of technological developments and industrial internships, one of which is through the use of the PKKM program.
This PKKM program aims to increase student competency to become professional jurists and prepare students to be ready to enter the world of work. Students’ experience and skills will be honed through the implementation of the PKKM program which has collaborated with 16 agencies in Jakarta and Surabaya, including experience and skills in law, entrepreneurship, and mastery of technology. The fourteen agencies are the Financial Services Authority, (OJK) RI, Angkasa Pura I, Sheyoputra Law Office, Central Jakarta District Attorney, Research and Development Agency, Kumdil Education and Training, Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Petikemas Surabaya, Martin Suryana Law Firm, KJD Law Firm, Supervisory Commission RI Business Competition (KPPU), BNL Patent, Edward Dewaruci Counselor at Law, Gress Gustia Law Firm, Bank JATIM, Surabaya Children Crisis Center (SCCC) and Legal Division of the Main Base of the Indonesian National Army Navy (Diskum Lantamal) V Surabaya.
This PKKM program can later be converted into compulsory specialization courses and specialization elective courses equivalent to 20 credits (semester credit units). Specifically for mandatory faculty courses that can be converted are only Field Work Practice (PKL) and Real Work Lecture (KKN) courses. The PKKM internship program is implemented for one semester and the quota is open to 45 FH UNAIR students class 2020 and 2021. Apart from course conversion, students who receive the PKKM program will also receive funding assistance.
For your information, the results of the PKKM program selection were announced on August 10 2023, which can be seen at the link
Author: Dewi Yugi ArtiĀ